Research Article

The articles should clearly describe new and carefully confirmed results and experimental procedure which should be given in required details for others to verify the work. For proper referring and fast publication all manuscript should be grammatically correct. Additional fee may be charged by the editor for correction if the manuscript has extensive grammatical mistakes which would be intimated to the corresponding author before final acceptance.

Manuscripts will be subjected to peer review process to determine their suitability for publication provided they fulfill the requirements of the journal as laid out in the instructions to authors. After the review, manuscripts will be returned for revision. Prepare the manuscript in Times New Roman font using a font size of 12. There shall not be any decorative borders anywhere in the text including the title page.

The manuscript should be prepared in English using “MS Word” with the specified IJAER single column format. “Times New Roman” font should be used. All research article should be typed single spaced and should have the following sections: Title page, Abstract, Key words, Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement (if any) and References.

  • The authors should be ensure that they have written in research paper entirely original works, and if the authors have used the work and/or words of others that this has been appropriately cited or quoted.
  • Authors must certify that the research paper has not previously been published anywhere in any Journal , Conference or currently being considered for publication elsewhere.
  • Research paper submitted must not have been published as copyrighted material elsewhere.
  • Authors must report of any conflicts of interest.